Never Surrender Your Dreams to Noisy Negatives

Posted: August 9, 2013 in Love, relationship, uncategorized
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Photo Credit: Google


Nobody can ever make you feel average without your permission. Ingratitude and criticisms are going to come; they are part of the price for leaping past mediocrity.

Jesus Himself, after healing the ten leapers, was only thanked by one of them. (Luke 17:11-19). Instead of being surprised by ingratitude from others, we should learn to expect it. Not expect it in a way that we remember it everytime we do something but realizing the fact that it does happen – anytime.

If you move with God, you will be criticized. The only sure way to fend off criticism is to do nothing and be nothing. Those who do things inevitably stir up criticism.

But the bible offers this great promise concerning criticism: the truth always outlives a lie. This fact is backed up by Proverbs 12:19: The lip of truth shall be established for ever: but a lying tongue is but for a moment. Also, in Hebrews 13:6 we are told …that we may boldly say, the Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man can do to me.

We should never judge a person by what is said of him by his enemies. Kenneth Tynan has provided the best description of a critic I have ever heard. “A critic,” he said,”is a man who knows that way but can’t drive the car.” We Christians are not called to respond to criticism: we are called to respond to God. Often, criticisms will present the best platform from which to proclaim the truth.

Most of the time, people who criticized are either jealous or uninformed. They usually say things that have no impact whatsoever upon the truth. There’s an anonymous saying that describes this situation perfectly: “It is useless for the sheep to pass resolutions in favor of vegetarianism while the wolf remains of a different opinion”.

If what you say and do is of God, it will not make a difference if every person on the face of the earth stands up and criticizes. Likewise, if it is not of God, nothing other people say will make it right.

Pay no attention to negative criticism. Trust in the Lord, and do good…(Ps. 37:3) knowing that in the end what you do in the Lord will be rewarded.

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