Archive for May 14, 2013

My own little world

Posted: May 14, 2013 in Love

My friend Steve Rebus shared this powerful music video with equally very powerful message. This touched my heart and I hope you will be moved as well.

Please watch it and tell me what you think below. God Bless you.


This video really challenged me to look at the mission field between my own two feet. I hope it will challenge you too to realise that there is such a huge need right on our own door steps or in our own town/city. It helps show that if we really loved these people around us instead of judging the way they look, act or the situations they find themselves in, then we can understand and show the compassion, grace and love of Jesus and help transform lives!

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We all love stories. It is one of the earliest forms of entertainment we know. Even prolific wisdom forerunners of our human civilization use stories to effectively teach people. You have the names of Lao Tzu, Plato, Socrates, Confucius, etc. Jesus is the best story teller and His stories are still alive even today.

When I was just a little boy in our lay back province, I used to ask my grandfather to tell me stories before I sleep. He would tell me stories about the heroic journey of some folkloric heroes and how he beats monsters in caves and fly like an eagle over the mountain ranges. My father was kinda contemporary about his stories though where he would tell me about Superman and Batman and a lot of comic heroes.

I am now on my mid 20’s and though I am still entertained by fictional or fairy tale stories, I have learned that more than anything, we must pay attention to the stories we tell ourselves.

The problem is that the stories we tell ourselves is no longer anchored on magic and superpowers. We recognize that there is no such thing as that. Because the stories we tell ourselves are our experiences whether you are aware of it or not.

One of the saddest stories you can tell yourself is your story of wounds and hurts. Don’t get me wrong, I honor your wounds and hurts. In fact, I have learned a great deal of lesson from my personal wounds and hurts. But telling it to yourself over and over again will only keep you away from your complete healing. And quite frankly, you love to pull this from the fibers of your memories from time to time. You just seem so addicted into using these past hurts to manipulate people and get that sorry feeling for yourself by soliciting pity remarks.

What am I saying?

I want to advocate that instead of telling yourself the kind of mess you have been and how rugged the roads you are walking through, tell yourself a story of your beautiful destination. It will inspire you. It will nurture your purpose. It will provide clarity to the very thing that will give you joy and fulfillment.

A great spiritual guru in India defines reality as “…something that does not change.” Everything in your life right now is destined to change. Even your body. Once you are in a 20 year old body but when you reach 60 years old, you might probably ask why you are in a completely different body? Buddha also said, “Every human being is the author of his own health or disease.”

The point is that you can have enormous facts in your life right now telling you that your reality is nothing but hurt and pain. But telling that story like a broken record to yourself will not serve you any good. Tell yourself a story of truth rather than facts. The truth is you are child of God. You are the physical expression of his love. You are born to be a champion. You are a conqueror. Hear me now! You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. You are a temple of God. You are loved and you are valuable in His eye.

My favorite Bible verse that struck the deepest core of my heart can be found in Jeremiah 29:11 at the days of my greatest defeat, betrayal and loss.

It goes on saying, “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “To prosper you and not to harm you and to give you a future that is filled with hope.”

I took this. I firmly held my belief on it. It sustained and brought me confidence, new dreams and visions and my own success story.

Captivate your life and glow side to side.

How about you? What story do you keep on telling yourself?

Iyanla Vanzant is one the most prolific speakers that I like. I love her humor and her honesty in explaining life’s source of pain, problems or difficulties and also giving it simple tools to help us deal with it successfully.

In this video, Iyanla (in one of Oprah Lifeclass session) talks and motivates people on how to nurture their purposes in life. She gave out 3 specific ways to do that. Watch it and be amazed!


PS: I do not own the publishing rights of this video. This is own by OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network) and Harpo Studios. I merely want to share this to all because this has a very powerful message that can help anyone right now.