Archive for the ‘positive thoughts’ Category

Today, the last day of 2013, my twitter timeline has been flooded with so many tweets mentioning how people are planning to have a wonderful 2014 (Yes! I am tweeting while cooking). Indeed, these twitter posts are very inspiring and until someone decides to act on it positively, those beautiful words of resolutions will only remain buried in the history pages of twitter wonderland.

So I put aside my ladle for a while as I wait for the beef broth to cool, leaving the kitchen, hooping on the stool and getting busy in my keyboard. I would like to share with you some simple ways how to make your 2014 incredibly wonderful.

Get a Positive Mindset

I don’t care whatever you want to do and how much money you have in the bank, as long as you don’t maintain a positive mindset, you will never get far. That is because a negative mindset will extinguish your passion. We know passion is what will drive you to do hardwork, inspire your creativity and ump your entrepreneurial spirit. A negative mindset is simply defined as “joy stealers”. You don’t want anything that will steal away your joy.

And do you know what’s the best way to get a positive mindset?

It is by cutting your associations with negative people. If the people who surround you with are infected with a negative mindset, know that they are contagious. It is not smart to mingle with spiritually constipated and emotionally retarded people. Oprah Winfrey even said, “Surround yourself only with people who are going to take you higher.”

Always Act Proactively and Positively

If there is an opportunity that is knocking on your door, invite it to come over. You have to seriously take this because every opportunity you decline becomes an opportunity for others. You can seldom see an opportunity coming back for you. It does not mean though that you grab every opportunity, but that you have to select the ones that will fund your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual life positively. Balance is still the key.

Always act positively. Of course we sometimes see tirades and gossips launched against up. But I challenge you to keep your cool because every feisty, bitter and angry word thrown at you are magnified by the one saying it. In other words, as they begin to say it open to the universe, they invite more for themselves. That is why you could never find a gossiping person happy; it is simply because their evil words eat their soul.

Make Peace with Your Past

We all made bad choices in the past, welcomed unhealthy associations with others and even made enemies with our friends. But let the pain of the past be left in the past. I am not saying this is easy, it is even maddeningly difficult. But the forgiveness you give is not really for them, it is a favor you give yourself. Marianne Williamson, author of “Everyday Grace” said, “As you forgive others, you begin to forgive yourself. As you stop focusing on their mistakes, you will stop punishing yourself for your own. Your ability to release what you think of as the sins of others will free you to release yourself, putting down the weapon with which you punish yourself so savagely. Forgiveness releases the past to divine correction and the future to new possibilities. Whatever it was that happened to you, it is over. It happened in the past; in the present, it does not exist unless you bring it with you. Nothing anyone has ever done to you has permanent effects, unless you hold on to it permanently.

Forgiveness is not easy. At times it is more painful than the word we suffered, to forgive the one that inflicted it. And yet there is no peace without forgiveness. Never.

Be Happy

Happiness is a decision. It is not a feeling. In fact, you cannot trust your feeling because it doesn’t tell you the truth. So if you decide each day to be happy before you even have your foot land on the floor every morning, your day will be a much brighter day.

Let no one and nothing stop you from being happy. It is your life. It is your responsibility to make it a joyful as you dream it could be.

Check and Improve your Finances

Although I subscribe to the idea that money does not bring happiness, I also know enough that the lack of it brings sadness. Money is a great tool to bless others and improve your quality of life. If anyone says that money is the root of all evil, then I’d say that person has been deceived. If you know how to use money, you can make a positive and astounding impact to the world. That is how the economy of the world works.

Get a piece of paper and know how much you are worth. You can do this by dividing the paper into two. The left side shall be your earnings (income) while the right shall be your liabilities. Deduct your earnings with your liabilities, and that is you monetary worth.

Free yourself from consumer debts. These are types of debts where you only spend for luxury and anything that does not give value to your pocket. Learn the world of investing and get some entrepreneurial activities. Get a mentor.

When you have more, you can give more. When you can give more, you create a happy and satisfied environment for yourself and your family. So improve your finances. Period.

Set New Goals

New goals that you instill to yourself are the ones that will inspire you work. To do something valuable. Goals may be great or small. Your goal may simply be as freeing yourself with debts or earning 100K of passive income in the stock market by the end of the year. The choice is yours.

But this 2014 make it different. Set some big bold new goals. Sky is the limit. Show to yourself what you can greatly do. If you claim to be a child of God, you can do all things that you set your mind into.

Let your goals move mountain. Set yourself up. And make a very big comeback.

Thank you for reading. I hope this inspired you to make a wonderful 2014. You can do it. Believe it and declare that you will have a wonderful year.

May your dreams come true. God Bless you.


Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes of your goal.

You are the CREATOR of your own destiny. If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is, WAKE UP.

Always act like you’re wearing an invisible crown. Always take off “t” from the word “can’t” and make it very big “CAN”.

Failure is simply the STEPPING STONE to SUCCESS.

A man who faced many rejections from the newspaper editor; they said he has no talent and yet he become the biggest creator as Walt Disney that we know today.

A man failed 10, 000 times before he made the electric bulb is Thomas Edison.

A man who failed in business at age 21, his sweetheart died at 26, had a nervous breakdown at 27 become the President of the United States – Abraham Lincoln.

Learn from the life’s stories of these people. Turn your negatives into positive. DON’T WAIT. The TIME is always right.

Create a plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once. Whether you are ready or not, put this plan into ACTION. Start your day with a POSITIVE LOVE to take RESPONSIBILITIES.

When your DESIRE is strong enough, you appear to possess SUPERHUMAN POWERS to achieve your DREAM.

Talk to yourself. The most important conversation you will ever have is the one you have with yourself.

Patience, persistence, and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for SUCCESS.

Go for it. Live with it. Think and GROW RICH. 


“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Sages would advise that gratitude is the key towards receiving more. As you all know, nobody would want to be around an ungrateful fellow. We can surely thank every material thing we receive but it is more wonderful to recognize most profound gifts of life as given by people we know and even by those we do not expect.

Please take time to call, SMS or email both amazing and unusual people that had touched your life strangely this year.

  1. People who makes us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our life blossom.
  2. People who turned us down; they are life’s traffic aids preventing us to go the wrong way so we’d land at a purpose driven life.
  3. People who counseled us with sound advice; they are the microphones of God from heaven motivating us to make wise decisions.
  4. People who caused you pain; they are the blacksmiths pounding your character to let you know what you are really made of.
  5. People who always keep you company; they are our guardian angels in disguise that make our day flow easy.
  6. People who left us in times of need; they are arbitrators of relationships who tells us how to choose loyal friends next time.
  7. People who asked for our forgiveness; they are agents of humility that restore our broken trust so we can heal our broken spirit.
  8. People who we call as our family; they are our spiritual homes where we can run for safety in times of defeat and pain.



At times when we are faced with an adversity, we wished that none of those things have happened. Certainly, who wants to experience problems anyways, of course, nobody. Problems come in all shapes and color. Some are disgusting gray-colored box representing lack or immediate needs desperate to be filled. Some problems also disguises itself like a shining precious ruby representing a big blessing creating in us or our families unforeseen stress about how to handle it wisely.

No matter how they come into your life, the discomfort it gives can be so profound that your initial reaction is to stay away from it. Not that I am telling you to romanticize with your problem but there is gotta be something you need to learn from it.
My college professor once said that the reason why many entrepreneurs became successful in the world is that many people become interested in solving a problem. They see the need, they analyze the need, they try to address the need and make money by addressing that need.

If you find yourself at epicenter of trouble today, why don’t you sit down and have a conversation with yourself. Ask yourself, what wisdom you need to learn from it. It is important that you acknowledge your mistake but it is more important that you move on.

I always believe that wherever you are right now, you need to be there; for the amount of lesson that you need to learn.

The only intelligent thing to do after a fall is to get up, dust yourself and move again. To make good use of the experience you learned to make wise choices in the future.

Who knows, somewhere within that trouble lies your most prolific breakthrough.

My advice to you is…STAND UP and GET GOING.